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Curriculum Evaluation Workshop
Get expert advice! Through guided testing, questionnaires and exercises, Leslee will help you determine the best curriculum and homeschool plan for your student!
If you are not sure you are going to homeschool, but want to be prepared - and be a better advocate for your student - this workshop is for you!
Leslee has helped hundreds of families create the best plan so their children can thrive!
She will answer all your questions and help you breathe again!
Our goal for this workshop is to equip you with the following:
The best curriculum options for each of your students
A solid base from which to make all future homeschool decisions
How to keep records - simply and without a lot of hassle
Templates for High School Transcripts and Course Description documents
Connections with other local Parents
Confidence and Peace of Mind!
Space is limited to 15 and you will have homework that involves your whole family!
Make sure to bring it with you to get the most out of the workshop!
Choose Your Workshop
Sign up Below
March 19, 2022 9-12pm CST: In-Person Workshop
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
2107 Three Oaks Road, Cary, IL 60013
March 21, 2022 6-9pm CST: Virtual Zoom Workshop
**For Curriculum Evaluation Workshop requests, contact us at​
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