Homeschool Courses - Barrington Area Library
Leslee, Cheryl, and Guy have a passion for students and the areas that they teach! They consider themselves Mentors as they lead students to discover their gifts and passions - their "Super Powers"
as Dr. Peterson calls them!
Their courses will do more than teach students information, they will challenge and equip students with the desire and skill to aim high – to not settle for “normal” or the “status quo”, to build confidence and critical thinking skills that will bring their learning to a new level!



When students are given the time to think and explore, an opportunity to make their ideas become reality, and have a road map to get there, they rise to the challenge.
*NOTE: You will sign up for each Mentor's courses separately. The Register Buttons on each course description will link you to the proper place to register.
Leslee's are on this site, Cheryl's are on her website, and Guy's are via email. If you have trouble, feel free to email the Mentor separately.

Dr. Cheryl Peterson
Gifted Education Specialist
Cheryl Peterson has a BA in Elementary Education from Millikin University, a MA in Educational Psychology from the University of Iowa and a Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota as well as a gifted certificate from Hamline University. She grew up in the south suburbs of Illinois, but every time she moved she got a new degree. She moved to Barrington, Illinois in 2017 with her husband and two children. She loves teaching and has taught from kindergarten through middle school and specializes in gifted education. She recently published her book, Because of 4, which shares the inspirational story of uncovering potential in students with play, practice and purpose. This book inspires teachers, parents and coaches as well as her own teaching. She began working with homeschool families and co-ops in 2020. This work has inspired two workbooks for guiding students through inquiry-based learning, IDEAS and IDEAS for Emerging Learners. She loves to spend time horseback riding, gardening, playing with her animals and family and writing. You can find her blog and links to her books at drcherylpeterson.com.
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Leslee Dirnberger, J.D.
Founder, President of Aspire Education
Leslee Dirnberger (‘Mrs. D’ or ‘Mama D’ to her students), a graduate of the College of William & Mary and Washington University School of Law, has a passion for our Constitutional Republic, critical thinking, leadership, and teens. She homeschooled her 4 kids through high school and is a former litigator in local, state, and federal court, and was a leader for her church’s teen ministry for over 25 years. Originally from the Washington, D.C. area, Mrs. D was raised attending Senate hearings, working on Capitol Hill, and learning the ins and outs of our government. She has worked at all different levels of government, in different capacities.
Since 2009 Mrs. D has taught hundreds of homeschool teens in local classes, online classes, and camps. Her classes have included Government/Constitution, Prelaw/Mock Trial, Critical Thinking for Emerging Leaders, Literature, Grammar and Composition, US History, Adulting 101, Informal Logic, and various other leadership classes.
Mrs. D is also the Founder and President of Aspire Educational Consultants which helps families and teachers transition to homeschooling.
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Mr. Guy Desaulniers
Director, Discovery Learning Institute
Guy Desaulniers graduated from
University of Connecticut and attended Graduate School at University of Illinois. He is
knowledgeable, patient in teaching, and is committed to helping each student reach their full potential.
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Challenge Hours
Questions Asked
Dreams Discovered
Schedule and Calendar for Barrington Classes
Leslee Dirnberger, J.D. (LD)
Dr. Cheryl Peterson (CP)
Guy Desaulniers (GD)
9:30 – 10:20: Super Habits (5-7) (CP)
Geometry (GD)
10:30-11:50: IDEAS (6-8) (CP)
Algebra I (GD)
12-1:00: LUNCH BREAK
1:00-2:20: PreLaw/Mock Trial (14-18) (LD)
Middle School Math (GD)
2:30-3:20: Algebra II (GD)
Calendar for 2023-2024
Sept. 5 – 1st Day (*Parent and Student Class for Dr. Peterson – Meet and Greet with Sample Lesson)
Sept. 12
Sept. 19 (*No Classes for Dr. Peterson’s Students)
Sept. 26
Oct. 3
Oct. 10
Oct. 17 (*No Classes for Mrs. D’s Students)
Oct. 24
Oct. 31
Nov. 7
Nov. 14
12. *Nov. 21 – No Classes, Thanksgiving Break
13. Dec. 5
14. Dec. 12
December 19- January 2 - CHRISTMAS BREAK
15. Jan. 9
16. Jan. 16
17. Jan. 23
18. Jan. 30
19. Feb. 6
20. Feb. 13
21. Feb. 20
22. Feb. 27
23. Mar. 5
*Mar. 12 – No Classes for Spring Break
24. Mar. 19
25. Mar. 26
26. Apr. 2
27. Apr. 9
28. Apr.16
29. Apr. 23
30. Apr. 30
31. May 7 – Last Class
The Details...
PreLaw-Mock Trial
Prerequisites: None
Ages: 14-18 (On the first day of class).
Min/Max Class Size: 8/18
Class is 80 min.
Teacher Contact: leslee@aspireeducation.us
Cost: $675, plus one time materials fee of $20. Payable in 9 monthly payments of $75. Your Registration Fee is kept as your May payment.
Discounted to $625 if making one payment before the course begins.
If one payment: Deposit of $75 at Registration then $570 via Cash, Check, or Zelle (leslee@aspireeducation.us)
If paying monthly: Deposit of $75 at Registration. A link for Automatic Payments will be sent in August. Payment will confirm student’s spot in the class. If payment is not received before the first day of class their spot will be forfeited.
*Students can receive a Full Refund before class starts. A 50% Refund is available if a student withdraws during the first 2 weeks of class. No Refunds after the second week of class. Refunds will only be given with a written request to hello@aspireeducation.us
Course Description:
The purpose of this class is to provide students with an understanding and
appreciation of our legal system, an introduction to legal concepts, and an introduction to the legal field. We will discuss what laws are; what constitutes a good law, and whether or not there should even BE a law! Students will gain confidence in their critical thinking skills, while at the same time gaining a deeper understanding of our legal system.
Through actual mock trials, students will learn first-hand what goes into a successful court case and why all those television shows are wrong! We will conduct multiple full Mock Trials that will be open for all co-op students and their friends and family!
This class is not only for those who think they would like to practice law; it is for anyone who is affected by our laws!
*A “Camp Day” on Saturday, September 9 is included and is open to all my students in my Barrington and LCC 2023-2024 courses. The morning will be for 9-12 yo students and the afternoon will be for 13-18. Water will be involved! We will use this time to have fun team building activities, build relationships with one another, and prepare for an amazing year! All details will be sent to students after enrollment in any of my courses.
Required Course Materials:
An Introduction to Law, Law Study, and the Lawyer's Role (3rd edition)
by James E. Moliterno and Fredric Ira Lederer - ISBN 978-1594607929
In Class – Students are expected to come to class prepared, having completed their homework and ready to discuss what was assigned. I use class time to apply what students have read or prepared, introducing more information, and to allow time for them to discuss and debate ideas.
Homework – This is a homework intensive class. The time spent on homework will vary with the student’s abilities, but students should expect to spend 3-5 hours each week.
Algebra 1
Prerequisites: It is suggested that you take the Algebra I placement test. I will email it to you upon Registration.
Ages: 10-18 (On the first day of class).
Min/Max Class Size: 3/7 Cost: $50/mo, Plus textbook
Class Description: This class will cover the tools and the main concepts of Algebra. This would include but not be limited to, solving equations, functions, exponentiation, and some Geometry. This will also include learning mathematical laws and their application: addition property and distributive property for example. The emphasis will be on mastering and applying concepts. We will also talk a little bit about math history and have some fun. -I know: fun and math are redundant. If you are willing to do some work and have a good attitude this class will work for you.
Teacher Information Teacher: Guy Desaulniers Email: guy@discoverylearninginstitute.com
Required Course Materials Text: Algebra I: Expressions, Equations and Applications By Paul Forester ISBN: 0-201-25073-X
Expectations: In Class – Understand that you might be called on to demonstrate your work. Ask questions if you don’t understand something -either in class or one on one. There will occasionally be assessments -tests.
Homework: The parents are the teachers here, but if a student does three chapters per week then they will finish in one year. We will usually cover a chapter each week along with additional material based on the most important material being covered. Fun Fact: The word Algebra comes from the title of a 9th century book, Kitab wa al jabr wa al muqabalah The Book of Shifting and Balancing by Al-Khwarizmi. Say al jabr three times fast.
Algebra II
Prerequisites: It is suggested that you take the Algebra II placement test. I will email it to you upon Registration. Please have your student bring the results with them on the first day of class.
Ages: 11-18 (On the first day of class).
Min/Max Class Size: 3/9 Cost: $50/mo, Plus textbook
Class Description: This class will briefly review Algebra I and then get more into the advanced topics in Algebra; picking up with quadratic equations and continuing into cubic and exponential
functions. This includes developing some expertise with exponents and logarithms. The
class will also cover some basic Trigonometry.
The approach is both visual (graphing) and algebraic with the goal being to connect the
two. Although Algebra II is fairly abstract the class will work to apply the knowledge to
real world problems. See the homework section below for some more information.
Teacher Information: Guy Desaulniers Email: guy@discoverylearninginstitute.com
Required Course Materials Text: Algebra II: Expressions, Equations and Applications By Paul Forester ISBN: 0-201-25073-X
Expectations: In Class – Understand that you might be called on to demonstrate your work. Ask questions if you don’t understand something -either in class or one on one. There will occasionally be assessments -tests.
Homework: The parents are the teachers here, but if a student does three chapters per week then they will finish in one year. We will usually cover a chapter each week along with additional material based on the most important material being covered.
Fun Fact: The word Algebra comes from the title of a 9th century book, Kitab wa al jabr wa al muqabalah The Book of Shifting and Balancing by Al-Khwarizmi. Say al jabr three times fast.
Prerequisites: Algebra I
Ages: 11-18 (On the first day of class).
Min/Max Class Size: 3/9 Cost: $50/mo, Plus textbook
Class Description: Geometry is the mathematical study of lines, angles and shapes. This class will
cover basic and intermediate Geometry including proofs. Specifically, this class
will study lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons as well as solid
figures and touch on Trigonometry. One of the features of Geometry is that it is
very visual and as a result it is sometimes the case that even students who don’t
like math -hard to believe but there are some- will enjoy Geometry.
Teacher Information: Guy Desaulniers Email: guy@discoverylearninginstitute.com
Required Course Materials Text: Geometry By Harold Jacobs. Any edition will be okay
Expectations: In Class – Understand that you might be called on to demonstrate your work. Ask questions if you don’t understand something -either in class or one on one. There will occasionally be assessments -tests.
Homework: Generally there will be 3 hours of homework (with attention) for each hour of class. Students retain more if that is done in 3 one-hour time blocks rather than one long block. The homework will usually involve a review of what one has already learned, practice of the current material and some challenging work.
Middle School Math
Prerequisites: It would be good to understand where the students are in their work
in math. I will email a Placement Test upon Registration. Please have your student bring the test to the first day of class. Please have them show their work.
Ages: 9-13 (On the first day of class).
Min/Max Class Size: 3/9 Cost: $50/mo, Plus textbook
Class Description: This class will cover the basic aspects of Arithmetic, Geometry and Data Analysis and applying these concepts and skills to solving word problems. In Middle school that covers a lot of territory. Too much to list it all individually, but the highlights in arithmetic would include, Fact families, factorization, fractions, prime numbers, proportions and exponents. In Geometry the focus would be on understanding angles and the concept of area, especially as applied to triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. Data Analysis would include Graphs and basic probability.
Teacher Information: Guy Desaulniers Email: guy@discoverylearninginstitute.com
Required Course Materials Text: Saxon 7/6 ISBN: 1591413192 ISBN-13: 9781591413196
Expectations: In Class – Understand that you might be called on to demonstrate your work. Ask questions if you don’t understand something -either in class or one on one. There will occasionally be assessments -tests.
Homework: Generally there will be 3 hours of homework (with attention) for each hour of class. Students retain more if that is done in 2 one hour time blocks rather than one 3 hour block. The homework will usually involve a review of what one has already learned, practice of the current material and some challenging work.
Students will be equipped and encouraged to use their gifts and passion to serve others in all aspects of their lives.
Oh, the places they'll go...
Just a few examples of the amazing places Aspire students have ended up: